There Are Seats Available for the SAT!

April 2021 Update:

At present there really aren’t any seats available in Singapore to take the SAT unless you attend a school that is a closed test center. We at Testtakers have no power whatsoever in getting seats for students. There are a few seats at the small open test centers that are available and you will need to register as soon as they are made available. We don’t know when they will be made available and we suspect not until June for the August SAT. The good news is that the SAT is optional for all American schools outside Florida so if you don’t take it, you can still apply. See our other more recent blog postings for more updates as well as our webinar channel on YouTube for more updates.

Original article from Sept 2019:

SAT seats in Singapore are filling up early. Students looking to register will be faced with the daunting prospect of "no seats available". Don't despair! There actually ARE seats available but College Board is restricting access to actual residents of Singapore. (College Board is the organization that administers the SAT). Students should "Let College Board find you spot", go on the waitlist, and wait patiently. More on this here.

The SAT is largely unavailable to Chinese students in China and there is a mass migration every test date to locations that do administer the test. The obvious location is Hong Kong, but the spill-over comes down to Singapore. Unlike many other locations, Singapore lacks large-capacity test centers and the fear is that if things are opened up all the way then all seats will get snapped up by Chinese kids immediately. There are actually companies in China that arrange special "testing trips" for students to travel to a non-Chinese Asian city, do 36 hours of last-minute prep, take the test on Saturday morning, go shopping, and then fly home.

Students go on the waitlist and then College Board presumably verifies that they are a resident of Singapore and then they will be allocated a spot and informed via email, in theory. This has been the case with the test dates in late 2019.

If this isn't working for you, we would like to know. Please email us if you are "stuck" and be sure to include your full name and also specifically when you tried to register for which test date with any communication you have had with College Board. We at Testtakers obviously have a vested interest and will be holding feet to fires to try to sort this out.

Note that if you are enrolled at the Singapore American School or UWCSEA then you are lucky. Your school is a “closed test center” with seats available just for you. Check with your school’s university advising team to find out how to do this.